A Practical Guide to Haemostasis



HEMSTOP is a seven-point questionnaire designed to evaluate the risk of perioperative bleeding in patients with a personal and/or family history of bleeding.

The name HEMSTOP is derived from:
  Tooth extraction

The HEMSTOP score identifies patients who are potentially at an increased risk of bleeding when undergoing invasive procedures.


Select Criteria:

Do you experience bruises/hematomas larger than 2 cm without trauma or severe bruising after minor trauma?
Do you experience bruises/hematomas larger than 2 cm without trauma or severe bruising after minor trauma?
Yes 1 Point
No 0 Points
After a tooth extraction, have you ever experienced prolonged bleeding requiring medical/dental consultation?
Yes 1 Point
No 0 Points
Have you experienced excessive bleeding during or after surgery?
Yes 1 Point
No 0 Points
Is there anyone in your family who suffers from a coagulation disease (such as hemophilia, von Willebrand disease, etc.)?
Yes 1 Point
No 0 Points
For Females
Have you ever consulted a doctor or received a treatment for heavy or prolonged menstrual periods (contraceptive pill, iron, etc.)?
Yes 1 Point
No 0 Points
Did you experience prolonged or excessive bleeding after delivery?
Yes 1 Point
No 0 Points


Max Score
  Male: 5 points
  Female: 7 points

<2 points Low Risk of Bleeding         
≥2 points Increased Risk of Bleeding

If the Score is <2 then no further investigations are required. If the Score is ≥2, then further investigations are required to establish the cause of the elevated Score and to diagnosis a possible bleeding disorder. In patients with an elevated HEMSTOP Score and undergoing invasive procedures, appropriate perioperative management can be advised/instituted.

Healthy controls had a HEMSTOP score of 0.

A HEMSTOP score of 2 had a specificity of 98.6% and a sensitivity of 89.5%. A HEMSTOP score of <2 had a low Positive Predictive Value but a very high NPV (99.9%), essentially excluding a bleeding disorder in a patient.

The HEMSTOP questionnaire discriminated patients at an increased risk of bleeding from those without, as well as from healthy participants. In patients with an elevated HEMSTOP Score, appropriate perioperative management can then be advised/instituted.

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